Trading Division: Strategies & Objectives
FITC’s trading operations will continue to focus on new as well as traditional commodity sources and sourcing.  Specifically, FITC has been building upon a “core” range of hydrocarbon products as well as selected agricultural commodities and products.  The key elements of our future growth strategy include the following:
  • Steadily expand our geographic scope of operations and broaden our base of expertise.
  • Preserve and build upon our established reputation for excellent service and reliable results with some of the world’s major hydrocarbon producers and buyers and use our growing name recognition to diversify into a new range of products and markets with specific attention being directed to China and other emerging markets in Asia.
  • Identify strategic investment opportunities to strengthen and broaden our marketing organization in selected strategic areas.
  • Evaluate synergistic joint venture, merger and acquisition opportunities to gain access to new markets and expertise.
  • Seek new funding sources to support our next stage of growth as well as to assist our client’s growing trade requirements.
  • Selectively recruit new personnel to meet our expanding organizational needs as well as to draw on new marketing skills.
  • FITC’s overall objective is to steadily expand and develop our operations in both breadth and depth while building our reputation for excellent, responsive service with our growing client base.